Ive used this app for a long time- its extremely useful for children with special needs who have difficulty with the concepts of "wait" "later" and "in a while"…I use this app at least 2-5 times a day with my clients, its really invaluable for early interventionists. I can think of many instances where I or a child would have ended up physically injured if it werent for the availability of this timer on my phone!
However I kind of feel like in revising the app to take into consideration the feedback theyve been receiving- they went a bit to fancy. Someone didnt know when to say "stop."
I like that you can now save multiple timers, in different modes, and in different colours- thats pretty cool.
I like that theye gotten rid of the insanely long intro screen, and have started to support multi-tasking.
Multiple timers at once is awesome- I can set a timer for the entire time were at school, and then for each segment during that time. Great for field trips too where its going to be somewhat unpredictable.
Multi-tasking is finally supported and is extremely useful.
However- they took away the full screen mode when you put the phone in landscape! AGH!! Now I have kids wanting to press buttons they didnt even know existed! NO! I cant just set down my phone in landscape mode and help them do the task anymore- theyre aware of all the options and home button and that they can see all the others timers running. I want my landscape mode back!! You people do understand that these timers are used for kids that are highly distractible, right?
So I still love this app, but significantly less without my landscape mode. Its resulted in more fights than anything, and the kids dont understand. If you just leave the app the way it is now and bring back landscape mode I will be a happy camper!
Navvan about Time Timer, v2.0